mysql-client php-pear php-db php5-mysql
the 'Show page source' button always present in DokuWiki website?
In fact, with the possibility of watching the wiki source's of a page, anybody can catch your database login and password.
'Show page source' ボタンが表示されるようになってしまう。
Whenever I put more than 1 query in a page, I get this error : Fatal error: Call to undefined function: setfetchmode() in /usr/share/dokuwiki-2005-09-22/lib/plugins/sql/syntax.php on line 75
<sql db="mysql://login:password@server/database"> select * from table; </sql> <sql db="mysql://login:password@server/database" wikitext="disable"> select * from table; </sql>
<sql db="oci8://login:password@server/database"> select * from table; </sql>